Commonly asked questions
What is WiE?
- WiE is a student-led organization that offers personal and professional development opportunities and events to students
- WiE works to cultivate relationships among students, faculty, and industry representatives
- WiE strives to help close the gender gap in the Economics major (with women economics majors increasing by 8% last semester)
Do you have to be a woman or an economics major to be a member?
- NO! As an inclusive initiative, we welcome UGA students of all genders, majors, and degree types
What is the structure and how can I be a part of the organization?
- First, fill out the membership application (this should only take a minute to complete!)
- We do not require dues!
- Members must attend 2 events per semester to stay active and enjoy full perks
- Full perks include access to the members-only GroupMe and listserv that features job listings, terry involvement opportunities, and WiE events
How do I learn about events?
- Members can learn about upcoming events via our weekly newsletter, social media, and the Terry Calendar. Upon filling out the membership application, you will be added to the listserv which includes the groupme link.
Is WiE the same as Women in Business (or WiF or WiT)?
- WiE and other Terry women’s organizations are all sister organizations
- We coordinate and partner with each other to ensure that our organizations complement and support Terry students and that our events do not conflict
- While our organization is business-focused, our goal is to serve students specifically within Economics; therefore, our events pertain to both Consulting and Public Policy emphases
Is there any opportunity for leadership involvement?
- We have a large leadership team, so there is always an opportunity to become more involved
- We offer Executive Board positions and will offer a Leadership Committee typically 4-6 positions
- Leadership positions are traditionally filled during spring semester and are promoted via the newsletter and social media
- Leadership roles require dedication, and we select individuals partly based on demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment
- To secure a spot on the leadership team, start coming to events now and participate within the organization!